LAUDARE at the conference
“Contrafact in the Middle Ages”
The team of LAUDARE presented the main features and purposes of the project in the frame of the international conference Contrafact in the Middle Ages organised by the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, project The Use and Reception of Contrafact in Late Medieval Liturgical Chant, in collaboration with the project Old Myths, New Facts, held online on 23-24 October 2023. The panel dedicated to LAUDARE was titled Contrafactio as a method: the Italian lauda in a new database, and was chaired by Jan Hajič (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences).
Hereafter, the authors and titles of the papers extracted from the program are listed:
Introduction to the project
Francesco Zimei, University of Trento
The Lauda catalogue by Annibale Tenneroni (1909), a century later
Matteo Leonardi, University of Trento
How do sources represent contrafactio (or not)
Lucia Marchi, University of Trento
From logical structure of Lauda sources to databases
Giacomo Pirani, University of Trento
Perspectives on the integration of machine learning techniques into musicological research
Federico Simonetta, Gran Sasso Science Institute
An example of contrafactum in the Cortona laudario: the laude ‘Regina sovrana’ and ‘Altissima luce’
Marco Gozzi, University of Trento
Warm thanks to Jan Hajič and Rhianydd Hallas!