On May 28-9, the LAUDARE project hosted its first international conference, organized by Agnese Bee and Angelica Vomera. Scholars from different disciplines – musicology, ethnomusicology, romance philology, Italian literature and theatre history – gathered together to discuss issues of text-music relationship in oral and written culture from the Middle Ages to the present day through the lenses of performance. Indeed, Voci Fagginane singers accompanied the papers with live performances, and also sung during the conference dinner!
Participants: Agnese Bee, Carla Maria Bino, Marco Capriotti, Luca Degl’Innocenti, Giuseppe Giordano, Marco Gozzi, Ignazio Macchiarella, Lucia Marchi, Thomas Persico, Guido Battista Raschieri, Massimo Rospocher, Voci Faggitane Singers, Angelica Vomera, Blake Wilson, Francesco Zimei.

University of Trento, 28 May 2024 – Bruno Kessler Foundation, 29 May 2024