On May 28-9, the LAUDARE project hosted its first international conference, organized by Agnese Bee and Angelica Vomera. Scholars from different disciplines – musicology, ethnomusicology, romance philology, Italian literature and theatre history – gathered together to discuss issues of text-music relationship in oral and written culture from the Middle Ages to the present day…
On 14 February 2024, Lucia Marchi gave a seminar on the LAUDARE project for the Ph.D. students of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Many thanks to Prof. Xavier Daufi for the kind invitation!
A new collection of essays on Iacopone da Todi edited by Matteo Leonardi GIACOMO – Congratulations on the publication of this beautiful book edited by Brill! Could you please share the intended purpose of this work of yours? MATTEO – Thank you! Actually, Brill’s volume was born from the dialogue with Alessandro Vettori, with…
The team of LAUDARE presented the main features and purposes of the project in the frame of the international conference Contrafact in the Middle Ages organised by the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, project The Use and Reception of Contrafact in Late Medieval Liturgical Chant, in collaboration with the…